print an array as code print an array as code php php

print an array as code

You could use var_export, serialize (with unserialize on the reserving end), or even json_encode (and use json_decode on the receiving end). The last one has the advantage of producing output that can be processed by anything that can handle JSON.

Don't know why but I could not find satisfying code anywhere.

Quickly wrote this. Let me know if you find any errors.

  function printCode($array, $path=false, $top=true) {    $data = "";    $delimiter = "~~|~~";    $p = null;    if(is_array($array)){      foreach($array as $key => $a){        if(!is_array($a) || empty($a)){          if(is_array($a)){            $data .= $path."['{$key}'] = array();".$delimiter;          } else {            $data .= $path."['{$key}'] = \"".htmlentities(addslashes($a))."\";".$delimiter;          }        } else {          $data .= printCode($a, $path."['{$key}']", false);        }          }    }    if($top){      $return = "";      foreach(explode($delimiter, $data) as $value){        if(!empty($value)){          $return .= '$array'.$value."<br>";        }      };      return $return;    }    return $data;  }  //REQUEST  $x = array('key'=>'value', 'key2'=>array('key3'=>'value2', 'key4'=>'value3', 'key5'=>array()));  echo printCode($x);  //OUTPUT  $array['key'] = 'value';  $array['key2']['key3'] = 'value2';  $array['key2']['key4'] = 'value3';  $array['key2']['key5'] = array();

Hope this helps someone.