PropelORM v1 multiple databases PropelORM v1 multiple databases php php

PropelORM v1 multiple databases

Can you post the <database> line from your Schema?

As long as you have the following:

<database package="blog" name="blog" defaultIdMethod="native">

Inside of your blog.schema.xml it should generate a new directory for you. If you let propel lazyload those for you though, you are right you'll get collisions, so I just manually pre-pended something to my tables in the schema.xml (which might not be the most efficient thing to handle things).

But you can do something like:

  1. in blog.schema.xml:

     <table name="users" phpName="blogUsers" idMethod="native">
  2. in platform.schema.xml:

     <table name="users" phpName="platformUsers" idMethod="native">

That worked fine for me.