Proper Way To Use Git/GitHub - PHP System with Dev/Testing/Production servers Proper Way To Use Git/GitHub - PHP System with Dev/Testing/Production servers php php

Proper Way To Use Git/GitHub - PHP System with Dev/Testing/Production servers

Assuming you have a live server and a development server I would do something along these lines.

Before even starting with a development cycle I would at least have two branches:

  1. Master - the development server runs on this branch
  2. Stable - the live server runs on this branch.

So if a developer gets a ticket or a work order he/she will perform the following actions:

  1. git pull origin master
  2. git branch featureBranch (named as the ticket id or as a good description for the work order)
  3. git checkout featureBranch
  4. Make changes which will accomplish the desired change. Commit as often as is necessary. Do this because you will create valuable history. For instance you can try an approach to a problem and if it doesn't work, abandon it. If a day later you see the light and want to re-apply the solution, it is in your history!
  5. When the feature is fully developed and tested locally, checkout master.
  6. git merge featureBranch
  7. git push origin master
  8. Test the pushed changes on your development server. This is the moment to run every test you can think of.
  9. If all is working out, merge the feature or fix into the stable branch. Now the change is live for your customers.

Getting the code on the server

The updating of servers shouldn't be a problem. Basically I would set them up as users just like you're developers are. At my company we've setup the servers as read-only users. Basically that means the servers can never push anything but can always pull. Setting this up isn't trivial though, so you could just as well build a simple webinterface which simply only allows a git pull. If you can keep your developers from doing stuff on live implementations you're safe :)


In response to the last questions asked in the comments of this reaction:

I don't know if I understand your question correctly, but basically (simplified a bit) this is how I would do this, were I in you shoes.Example setup

The testing machine (or the webroot which acts as testing implementation) has it source code based in a git repository with the master branch checked out. While creating this repository you could even remove all other references to all other branches so you'll be sure no can checkout a wrong branch in this repository. So basically the testing machine has a Git repository with only a master branch which is checked out.

For the live servers I would do exactly the same, but this time with the stable branch checked out. Developer should have a local repository cloned in which all branches exist. And a local implementation of the software you guys build. This software gets its source from a the local git repository. In other words: from the currently checked out branch in this repository.

Actual coding

When a new feature is wanted, a local feature branch can be made based on the current master. When the branch is checked out the changes can be made and checked locally by the developer (since the software is now running on the source of the feature branch).

If everything seems to be in order, the changes get merged from feature branch to master and pushed to your "git machine". "your github" so to speak. Testing can now pull the changes in so every test necessary can be done by QA. If they decide everything is ok, the developer can merge the changes from master to stable and push again.

All thats left now is pulling form your live machines.