Quoting/Escaping variables in mail body Quoting/Escaping variables in mail body php php

Quoting/Escaping variables in mail body

The basic e-mail message body is plain text. If you want a different type like HTML or a multipart message, you need to use the MIME extension and specify the type accordingly using Content-Type (e.g. text/html for HTML or multipart/… for a multipart message).

So from the security perspective, there is no way to inject anything harmful (at least not as per specification). Even non-ASCII characters should be handled correctly despite the lacking declaration of the used character encoding.

However, there still may be some flaws in e-mail clients which can be exploited this way. But I doubt that.

Good question. I don't believe you need to escape the body text, but I do know it's possible to add headers to a mail (like a BCC to thousands of addresses) if you allow the user to input a from address. So if you put variables in that, definitely check for newlines (\n and \r) to make sure no additional headers are added.

Think of the body of the email this way: "Mission top secret destination unknown." We may not know what kind of client will read the message, but we can guess that we do not want live, user supplied, unescaped HTML to show up in it. Since many clients read mail in HTML, the best thing to do would be to htmlentities() the user supplied e-mail body.

A method from my escaper class.

<?phpclass escaper{    public function superHtmlEntities($string)    {        return htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8', true);    }}?>


At minimum, consider something like this and more as you do your research.

<?php$esc = new Escaper();$usercontent = $_GET['usercontent'];mail("dummy@nowhere.tld", "My Subject", $esc->superHtmlEntities("My body with $usercontent included"));?>