save var_dump into text file [closed] save var_dump into text file [closed] php php

save var_dump into text file [closed]

You can use the output buffering functions to capture output and write it to a file.

ob_flush();ob_start();while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {    var_dump($row);}file_put_contents("dump.txt", ob_get_flush());

Don't use var_dump for this, use serialize like so:

<?php$fp = fopen('vardump.txt', 'w');fwrite($fp, serialize($myobj));fclose($fp);?>

To restore it, you can use unserialize($filecontents); by reading it back in from the file.

<?$server = "";$username = "root";$password = "1";$link= connecttodb($server,$username,$password);function connecttodb($server,$username,$password){$rez=fopen("test.txt","ab");   if ($link=mysql_connect ("$server","$username","$password",TRUE))   {   fwrite($rez,"".$server." \r\n");    echo "Connected successfully to >> " .$server ;        $result = mysql_query('SHOW DATABASES');echo "<br>";while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){fwrite($rez, $row['DatabaseName']); }    }}ini_set('max_execution_time', 10);return $link;    ?>