Selenium WebDriver throwing an error for Click action, but Click is actually successful Selenium WebDriver throwing an error for Click action, but Click is actually successful php php

Selenium WebDriver throwing an error for Click action, but Click is actually successful

The same kind of error is reported in docker-selenium issue 163, and seems related to selenium alone.
That is why there now (Aug. 2017) is SeleniumHQ/selenium issue 4384 (now Oct. 2017 closed, as a "performance issue").

That error was also seen in docker-selenium issue 20 (2015) with this comment, more about Chrome crashing:

  • Started in privileged mode:

    docker run --privileged
  • Fix small /dev/shm size

    docker exec $id sudo umount /dev/shmdocker exec $id sudo mount -t tmpfs -o rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=512M tmpfs /dev/shm

Update End 2017: issue 163 mentions

Maybe there is a bug in supervisord, you can try to bump the version or even go back to an older one.