send long message with photo on telegram with php bot send long message with photo on telegram with php bot php php

send long message with photo on telegram with php bot

You can use empty character!

Just set parse_mode Field to HTML in sendMessage method ,then in text Field insert the URL of the image into href

The hyperlink will not be seen when you use empty character :

<a href="">⁠</a>

Copy the empty character for your own use.

You can send standard message with parse_mode Markdown or HTML.In text content you need send link to your image.

Some words [/start]( will see google's logo in the bottom of message. The blue line on the left of the image indicates that it is the parsing contents of the link

You can send text message with Markdown Style or HTML Style and use inline URLs.

sample of inline URLs format:

[inline URL](

You can use (ALT + NUMPAD characters) for hide link text.

For Example [ALT + 255] create non-breakable space which you can use this.

[ ](

If you have many link in the text, Put your image link at the beginning of the text.