Setting up Laravel project with Git Setting up Laravel project with Git php php

Setting up Laravel project with Git

Laravel default app ( doesn't change much and when it changes, Taylor gives the steps to migrate it. What you really want to do is to keep your project in sync with, for that you just have to

composer update

Every day.

But if you really want to have default app in sync too, here are some steps:

1) Go to github and fork

2) Install your application as you would normally:

composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name --prefer-dist

3) Rename git origin to anything else:

git remote rename origin laravel

4) Create a new project on github and add it as your new origin

git remote add origin

5) Add, commit and push it:

git add -Agit commit -m "first commit"git push origin master

And you should be good to go.

Every time you need to merge yours with Laravel's you'll probably need to:

1) Fetch the changes

 git fetch laravel

2) Take a look at the list of branches:

git branch -va

3) Merge yous with laravel

git merge laravel/master

How to Setup a Remote Repository with your Laravel Projects:

Create a "remote" repository either using github, bitbucket, etc. Make sure that the repository your creating is "empty" meaning literary empty don't include any yet.

Create your laravel project file:
$ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel my-app
then cd my-app to the project's root folder.

Git Initilization:

$ git init
$ git remote add <name-of-remote> <remote-path>
ex: git remote add origin
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial Commit"
$ git push origin master

then, check out your "remote repository" if your commits are reflected.

Next step would be to read up on setting up ssh keys:

To know more about git commands:

Happy Coding!

Use composer when installing laravel. Here is the workflow that you should follow:

  • install laravel using composer
  • create your git repo from the above installation
  • start developing your application, commit, push, etc.
  • when you want to take the latest changes from laravel just use composer again: composer update, your vendor folder will be updated automatically. Be aware that the vendor folder is ignored by git, in this way you will have a clean commit history that will include only your application commits without the laravel ones.