Sharing SESSION Variables Between Multiple Subdomains Sharing SESSION Variables Between Multiple Subdomains php php

Sharing SESSION Variables Between Multiple Subdomains

1) the subdomains should use the same path to save session files

2) modify your

php.ini session.cookie_domain = ""

or .htaccess php_value session.cookie_domain

or inside of the script ini_set('session.cookie_domain', '' );

PHP session ids are saved in Cookies. To make a cookie available in all the sub-domains you need to assign it to the root domain. Then all the sub-domains will get the session id from cookie and PHP can find the session using passed session id.

As it turns out, You just need to set the session.cookie_domain to the root domain in php.ini file

session.cookie_domain = ""

Also check manual for different approaches used to set an ini entry.

I found a solution to my problem:

session_name("2620368ghwahw90w");session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', '');session_start();

This appears to work with no problem. Is this a good method with low security risk?