Showing Featured Item From the Database Showing Featured Item From the Database php php

Showing Featured Item From the Database

You could use this MySQL query:

SELECT *FROM BungalowsWHERE id = (  SELECT  FROM    Bungalows b1 LEFT JOIN Bungalows b2    ON> AND b2.featured=1  WHERE    b1.featured=1  GROUP BY  HAVING    COUNT( = (SELECT                      DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), '2013-05-06') MOD                      (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Bungalows WHERE Featured=1))  )

Please see fiddle here. '2013-05-06' is the day when you want to start to show the first featured bungalow. They will be shown ordered by ID, strarting from '2013-05-06'.


The following query will return the number of elapsed days since 2013-05-06:


the MOD function will return the integer remainder of the division of the number of elapsed day by the number of featured rows:

SELECT DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), '2013-05-06') MOD                          (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Bungalows WHERE Featured=1)

If there are 6 featured bungalows, it will return 0 the first day,1 the second,2,3,4,5, and then 0,1,2...again.

MySQL does not have a function to return a RANK (number of row), so you have to simulate it somehow. I simulated it this way:

SELECT, COUNT(  Bungalows b1 LEFT JOIN Bungalows b2  ON> AND b2.featured=1WHERE  b1.featured=1GROUP BY

I'm joining the Bungalows table with itself. The rank of bungalow ID is the count of bungalows that have an ID less than that (hence the join>

I'm then selecting only the row that have the RANK returned by the function above:


If you use MySQL, my initial query could be simplified as this:

SELECT b1.*FROM  Bungalows b1 LEFT JOIN Bungalows b2  ON> AND b2.featured=1WHERE  b1.featured=1GROUP BY  b1.idHAVING  COUNT( = (SELECT                    DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), '2013-05-06') MOD                    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Bungalows WHERE Featured=1))

$dbh = new PDO(....); // use your connection data$statement = $dbh->query("SELECT count(*) as size FROM bungalows where features = 1");$data = $statement->fetchALL(PDO::FETCH_CLASS,"stdClass");$i = date('z') % $data[0]->size;$statement = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM bungalows where features = 1 order by id LIMIT $i,1");$bungalow = reset($statement->fetchALL(PDO::FETCH_CLASS,"stdClass"));


  • Removed mysql_ calls
  • added an order clause as fthiella suggested (thank you :) )

Try this query it will work in every case with increase in number of featured bungalows etcand daily will give a different one.

Here in the query I am assigning numbers to each featured bungalow from 0 to n and receiving then by dividing total number of featured bungalow to date diff I find the bungalow to be displayed.

Query 1:

select    a.* from    (select       @rn:=@rn+1 as rId,       b.cnt,        a.*    from       Bunglows a   join       (select @rn:=-1) tmp   join      (select          count(*) as cnt       from          Bunglows       where          featured=1)b   where       featured=1) awhere     datediff(CURDATE(), '2013-01-01')%a.cnt=a.rId


| RID | CNT | ID | BUNGALOW_NAME | FEATURED |---------------------------------------------|   3 |   4 |  6 |    bungalow 4 |        1 |


select count(*) as cnt from Bunglows where featured=1

This query finds the total featured bungalows

select @rn:=@rn+1 as rId, b.cnt, a.* from Bunglows a join (select @rn:=-1) tmp join     select count(*) as cnt from Bunglows where featured=1

This query adds the a rownumber to each featured bungalow starting from 0 to n

The main query first finds date diff from current date and a old date and find mod value by total featured bungalows which will give values from 0 to n-1 and I have added a where clause which checks for the divided value to be equal to the rowid which we have assigned..

Hope this helps...