Slim PHP and GET Parameters Slim PHP and GET Parameters php php

Slim PHP and GET Parameters

You can do this very easily within the Slim framework, you can use:

$paramValue = $app->request()->params('paramName');

$app here is a Slim instance.

Or if you want to be more specific

//GET parameter

$paramValue = $app->request()->get('paramName');

//POST parameter

$paramValue = $app->request()->post('paramName');

You would use it like so in a specific route

$app->get('/route',  function () use ($app) {          $paramValue = $app->request()->params('paramName');});

You can read the documentation on the request object

As of Slim v3:

$app->get('/route', function ($request, $response, $args) {    $paramValue = $request->params(''); // equal to $_REQUEST    $paramValue = $request->post(''); // equal to $_POST    $paramValue = $request->get(''); // equal to $_GET    // ...    return $response;});

For Slim 3/4 you need to use the method getQueryParams() on the PSR 7 Request object.

Citing Slim 3 / Slim 4 documentation:

You can get the query parameters as an associative array on theRequest object using getQueryParams().

I fixed my api to receive a json body OR url parameter like this.

$data = json_decode($request->getBody()) ?: $request->params();

This might not suit everyone but it worked for me.