So eclipse and xdebug walk into a bar, and then my apache server dies So eclipse and xdebug walk into a bar, and then my apache server dies php php

So eclipse and xdebug walk into a bar, and then my apache server dies

This article sounds promising.

Both XDebug and Eclipse (in its php dev env) can use the DBGp protocol by the look of things. Based on that article, you might be able to get things working by messing with Apache's .htaccess file[s], or by running a DBGp proxy (whatever that is). Further details in the article.

I suspect both XDebug and Eclipse are connecting to the same PHP debug session, stepping on one anothers toes, causing Hilarity to Ensue.

That or "undefined behavior". Either way.


Creating a new workspace allows me to debug succesfully.

Right now my best guess as to what caused this is having two projects in the same workspace with different vhosts at the same ip.

So I aint not gonna do that no more.

This may sound like a silly question, and I apologize if so, but did you create a new PHP Server inside of your Eclipse Debug Configuration that maps to your new virtual host?

Every time I create a new vhost, I usually create a totally new Debug Configuration and a new PHP Server within that configuration that maps to the vhost, so that I can easily select it from the Debug Configs drop down when launching a new session.

For anyone wondering, I do this by going to Run->"Debug Configurations...", select "PHP Web Page" from the menu on the left, click new+ (or duplicate if I already have one), and then under the Server tab, where is says "PHP Server", I click "New" and then type in the URL of the vhost for the document root.