Sonata Admin: How to remove "Add New" button from dashboard only? Sonata Admin: How to remove "Add New" button from dashboard only? php php

Sonata Admin: How to remove "Add New" button from dashboard only?

In your admin class :

use Sonata\AdminBundle\Route\RouteCollection;protected function configureRoutes(RouteCollection $collection){    $collection->remove('create');}

You can also remove Delete, Show etc ...

Check :

Try this in the admin class:

public function getDashboardActions() {    $actions = parent::getDashboardActions();    unset($actions['create']);    return $actions;}

In the following you can see a list of options to hide Sonatadmin functions:

protected function configureRoutes(RouteCollection $collection){    $collection->remove('create');    $collection->remove('edit');    $collection->remove('delete');    $collection->remove('show');    $collection->remove('export');}