SSL Over Javascript SSL Over Javascript php php

SSL Over Javascript

What you are trying to do is to replace the need for SSL certificates signed by a Certificate Authority with custom JavaScript. I'm not a security expert, but as far as I know the simple answer is that this is not possible.

The basic fact is that on the public internet, the server can't trust what a client says, and a client can't trust what the server says, exactly because of man in the middle attacks. The reason why certificate authorities are necessary to begin with is to establish some kind of impartial trust base. CA's are carefully vetted by the browser vendors, and it's the only trust currently available on the public internet, although it's certainly not perfect.

I am curious to know why a relatively inexpensive SSL certificate (like the 1-year from Digicert at $175 USD) is out of the question. Especially if this is for a business, $175/yr is a reasonable expense (it works out to about $12.60 USD/month).