Strip all HTML tags, except allowed Strip all HTML tags, except allowed php php

Strip all HTML tags, except allowed

you can do this by usingstrip_tags function

strip_tags — Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string

 strip_tags($contant,'tag you want to allow');



If you need some flexibility, you can use a regex-based solution and build upon it. strip_tags as outlined above should still be the preferred approach.

The following will strips only tags you specify (blacklist):

// tags separated by vertical bar$strip_tags = "a|strong|em";// target html$html = '<em><b>ha<a href="" title="">d</a>f</em></b>';// Regex is loose and works for closing/opening tags across multiple lines and// is case-insensitive$clean_html = preg_replace("#<\s*\/?(".$strip_tags.")\s*[^>]*?>#im", '', $html);// prints "<b>hadf</b>";echo $clean_html;