Sum values in foreach loop php [closed] Sum values in foreach loop php [closed] php php

Sum values in foreach loop php [closed]

$sum = 0;foreach($group as $key=>$value){   $sum+= $value;}echo $sum;

In your case IF you want to go with foreach loop than

$sum = 0;foreach($group as $key => $value) {   $sum += $value; }echo $sum;

But if you want to go with direct sum of array than look on below for your solution :

$total = array_sum($group);

for only sum of array looping is time wasting.

array_sum — Calculate the sum of values in an array

<?php$a = array(2, 4, 6, 8);echo "sum(a) = " . array_sum($a) . "\n";$b = array("a" => 1.2, "b" => 2.3, "c" => 3.4);echo "sum(b) = " . array_sum($b) . "\n";?>

The above example will output:

sum(a) = 20sum(b) = 6.9

You can use array_sum().

$total = array_sum($group);