Swagger PHP: how to declare property to use schema definition? Swagger PHP: how to declare property to use schema definition? php php

Swagger PHP: how to declare property to use schema definition?

How funny can be the fact, that people sometimes find the answer just after posting a question.

Answer is:

*           @SWG\Response ( *              response=200, *              description="Success response", *              @SWG\Schema ( *                  @SWG\Property( *                      property="status", *                      type="string", *                      default="success" *                  ), *                  @SWG\Property( *                      property="data", *                      ref="#/definitions/Service/models/Status" *                  ), *                  @SWG\Property( *                      property="request_id", *                      type="string" *                  ), *              ) *          ),