Symfony DomCrawler: Find element with specific attribute value Symfony DomCrawler: Find element with specific attribute value php php

Symfony DomCrawler: Find element with specific attribute value

I can not follow your problem. Using the current development versions (and also 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 versions) of the two software libraries dom-crawler and css-selector, the example code you provided works just fine considering the following example HTML:

<?phpuse Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;// require dependencies here    $html = <<<'HTML'<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <body>        <p class="message">Hello World!</p>        <p>Hello Crawler!</p>        <div id="product">            <a data-type="bla">                <img src="OK">            </a>        </div>    </body></html>HTML;$crawler = new Crawler($html);$link = $crawler->filter('#product a[data-type="bla"]');echo var_dump(count($link));var_dump($link->filter('img')->attr('src'));

As you can see this is exactly your code (only a little different but essentially not), which gives the following output verbatim:

int(1)string(2) "OK"

The first output line is the count() and the second is the src attribute value.

Have you run composer update? Have you double-checked the input?