Telegram Bot custom keyboard in PHP Telegram Bot custom keyboard in PHP php php

Telegram Bot custom keyboard in PHP

The docs seem to indicate you need to provide the reply_markup parameter as a JSON serialised object... kinda stupid for a form POST endpoint:

$replyMarkup = array(    'keyboard' => array(        array("A", "B")    ));$encodedMarkup = json_encode($replyMarkup);$content = array(    'chat_id' => <chat_id>,    'reply_markup' => $encodedMarkup,    'text' => "Test");

Does this one work?

   $keyboard = array(array("[Destaques]","[Campinas e RMC]","[esportes]"));   $resp = array("keyboard" => $keyboard,"resize_keyboard" => true,"one_time_keyboard" => true);   $reply = json_encode($resp);   $url = $GLOBALS[website]."/sendmessage?chat_id=".$chatId."&text=oi&reply_markup=".$reply;    file_get_contents($url);

This code works fine!