time limit function execution in PHP or anything else time limit function execution in PHP or anything else php php

time limit function execution in PHP or anything else

PHP doesn't provide a general way to timeout a function. But many components where this problem is common let you define a timeout.


  • The HTTP Stream Wrapper allows you to specify a timeout option:

    file_get_contents('http://example.com', false, stream_context_create(    array('http' => array('timeout' => 10 /* seconds */))));
  • PDO (database abstraction layer) allows you to set a timeout using the PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT attribute (note that this attribute may mean different things with different database drivers):

    $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT, 10 /* seconds */);
  • You can set a connection timeout when using FTP:

    $ftp = ftp_connect('example.com', 21, 10 /* seconds */)

Similarly all other extensions that access potentially remote resources will provide such timeout parameters or options.

In PHP in particular, I don't think you have a valid way to control the execution time for your functions from outside of them.Like you said, things like set_time_limit will throw a Fatar Error and kill your script.

I would suggest messuring your excecution time from within your functions, using things like microtime() and throw an exception if the time limit is exeeded; an exception that you'll be able to catch outside and continue act accordingly.