Version control for PHP Development [closed] Version control for PHP Development [closed] php php

Version control for PHP Development [closed]

It sounds like Git can accomplish your goals quite well. As it's distributed, it's excellent for working locally since you can perform most operations (commit, revert, diff, patch) without connecting to a central server. You can also avoid that ugly moment of someone pushing new code to production while someone else is working on it, and then having the complicated task of merging those two versions of the code together (git provides a useful tool for doing this called rebase).

You noted there's some big projects using Hg (Mercurial), but there's some pretty big ones using Git, like the Linux Kernel,, Android and Debian.

I use git for all my sites: it's lightning fast, efficient, and easy to use.

Edit: If you want to get into using Git, I'd recommend doing some reading before jumping right in. Starting off on the wrong foot can have some terrible implications later on. If you follow an Agile Workflow, you might want to check this out. Here's a website I learned most of my Git know-how from.

Version control is an incredible tool even when you're working alone, and when you are working with someone else it's indispensable. I would recommend using git. It's very fast, has a really great set of available tools, and of course has Mercurial is basically just as good as git, but it runs a little slower and doesn't have github.

For why to use git, please read

Here's a nice-looking tutorial on getting started with git:

You can use SVN, Git, Mercurial.

The biggest challenge is having everyone be disciplined in using version control and not getting lazy.