Vim: undefined variables are unmarked Vim: undefined variables are unmarked php php

Vim: undefined variables are unmarked

There should be a solution with the Syntastic plugin, on which you would need to put a PHP static code analyzer like PHPLint.

However I never spent some time to test this !

Other PHP programs can be found on this SO answer.

Well, this might not be what you are looking for, but if you must have Vim keybindings (I know I need them), then jVi brings this to NetBeans. I don't know if this is a viable option for you, but maybe this will help.

You can run Zend's PHP code analyzer from within VIM. I currently do this. The catch is that Zend Code Analyzer is no longer packaged as a separate binary when installing Zend Studio. I'm not sure which OS you are running. I'm running on OS X. If you don't already have the binary, use steps 1 & 2 on this site to get it - You may have to adjust for your OS.

After getting the binary add the following to your .vimrc and replace the /usr/local/... with the path to your ZendCodeAnalyzer.

if !exists("autocommands_loaded")  let autocommands_loaded = 1  "PHP Make   autocmd BufRead *.inc,*.php set makeprg=/usr/local/bin/ZendCodeAnalyzer\ %  autocmd BufRead *.inc,*.php set errorformat=%f(line\ %l):\ %mendifmap <F7> :silent lmake<cr>:lwindow <cr>:redraw!<cr>

Now when you enter F7 it will run make which is set to run the ZendCodeAnalyzer. It will put the results into a location list - :help location. You can scroll through the location list and hit enter on a line and it will take you to that line in your file. If it doesn't find anything, then it won't open anything.