Web based login using ssl public/private key? Web based login using ssl public/private key? php php

Web based login using ssl public/private key?

This is Client authentication via certificates.
Your server should be configured to require a client certificate and also be configured with a truststore.
All the browsers support this.
You just have to import the client keystore having the private key and certificate to the machines set of certificates.
For windows it is in internet options

I doubt you'll be able to do this with a web application. The browser is sandboxed from the operating system and you would be unable to have the web application detect the presence of a USB drive nor would you be able to read any data off of it with the web application. So you would need the browser to do that for you, and they are not designed to work that way.

When you load a client cert into the browser it gets loaded into certificate storage. Those are different depending on browser and OS. On OSX they go into KeyChain. On Windows some will go into the OS key store and some will go into the browsers own keystore (Firefox I believe works this way). But none of them will allow you to define an external keystore and then encrypt and decrypt the key you're trying to protect as it reads and writes from that drive.

What you are doing would only be possible if you wrote your own desktop application (essentially your own browser) that did this for you.

It is possible you could do it with an Adobe AIR application. Adobe AIR supports reading and writing from a USB drive, it supports encrypted databases (128-bit AES/CBC crypto with SQLite) where you could store the data you are trying to protect, and it's cross-platform.

With any of these solutions you will likely be stopped at the requirement of need to ensure the USB key is plugged in. That is likely tough to do. How would you stop the user from simply copying the files from the USB key to the hard disk and then using the key from there so that they did not need to use the USB key?

To get to that level of control you may need to look at a truly native solution. C++, Objective-C, or Java. Java is going to be the only one that offers you a cross-platform solution.

If the USB key is a convenience to the end user as opposed to a requirement, then Adobe AIR would be a solid solution. If not, then it's time to brush up on your desktop software development skills.

Here is how I did web based login using RSA public/private key in php:

  • On registration, server saves user's public key and gives user an ID
  • On login, user is asked to enter his ID and private key

Registration is very simple.

But login is done in this way:

  • Server generates a string that contains some data: random string, current time, user's ip
  • That string is encrypted twice with AES with two passwords: nonce1 = pass2( pass1( string ) )
  • Same string is encrypted again with AES with two passwords, but in reverse order: nonce2 = pass1( pass2( string ) ) and the result is encrypted with user's public key: nonce2encrypted = encryptPubKeyRSA( userPubKey, nonce2 )

P.S. The string is encrypted with two passwords, to be harder to make a brute force attack.

The login form contains three hidden inputs: nonce1, nonce2encrypted, and nonce2 without value.

Then the user is asked to enter his private key in a textarea that is outside <form> tag (to be sure that it will not be sent to the server on form submit), a javascript will decrypt nonce2encrypted and set decrypted value to nonce2. Then the textarea with private key is removed from html with javascript, just to be sure it will not be stored somewhere in the browser or sent to the server.

The server receives nonce1 and nonce2, and decrypts them with that two passwords. If the decrypted values are the same, the user receives a cookie and is logged in.

P.S. That cookie also contains some encrypted data, for example user ip. This does not allow somebody that stole this cookie to login from another ip.

You can view this method in action (project on github)