What advantages does PHP have over ASP.NET? [closed] What advantages does PHP have over ASP.NET? [closed] php php

What advantages does PHP have over ASP.NET? [closed]

PHP will run on essentially any server, for free. That's a fairly compelling feature for many folks.

There are lots of pros and cons of both, and it certainly doesn't boil down to scripting vs. compiled (incidentally, opcode caches like APC and things like Facebook's HipHop even the score on that point).

I'd say if someone's recommending PHP over ASP.NET, they code primarily in PHP. If they're recommending ASP.NET over PHP, they code primarily in ASP.NET. There's probably not much more to it than that in the responses you're getting.

Ugg, the weekly PHP vs ASP/.net argument. Let me frame it this way:

  1. Both work. Well, actually.
  2. Neither is really more "enterprise grade" than the other.
  3. .Net developers (at least in my area) tend to make more. That being said, the Government "drank the microsoft Koolaid" and most jobs in my area are for government contractors. It may be different where you are.
  4. PHP really doesn't have a great GUI yet. Not an issue to those of us who are command-line types, but it could be for you.
  5. .net solutions tend to be relatively unified since Microsoft is driving the bus. There's about a million different ways to skin a cat in the PHP world because it is relatively fractured.
  6. In my experience, PHP tends to be better documented with many more how-to's online. If you disagree, you might be a writer for Microsoft's tech net, which is written partially in some alien/geek mashup dialect of English.
  7. MANY php how-tos and forums are frequented by non-native English speakers, and entire projects can be frustratingly impossible to understand because of the language barrier. It seems that Europe has picked up PHP at a higher rate than those of us in the States.

I was indirectly involved in a Microsoft Case Study that I think illustrates the difference. I worked at one Olympic non-profit on a php-based site. They opted to standardize on Microsoft and move to an entirely .net/sqlserver based. I moved over to another nearly identical non-profit (just a different sport) who was embarking on an in-house build of a PHP-based website with nearly identical functionality to the one I left.. The .net website, when completed, cost $1.5 million, involved 16 servers, and required 3 additional full-time staff hires to extend and maintain. The same level of service, programmed in-house by 3 guys on PHP in a shorter amount of time ran on 3 servers (two application, one MySQL DB) and cost about $25k when all was said and done. Microsoft published the .net solution as an official Microsoft Case Study success. You be the judge....when you compare the solutions, I'm not sure they're even. Both serve nearly identical traffic and process very similar amounts of money. I know where my time and money would go.

The most significant advantage of PHP might be that it is free and you can start developing it without having to install too many things. (Apache, PHP and an editor)

After working with the Prado framework for a while, I don't see any big differences with it anymore.

OF Course : Visual Studio makes developing and debugging ASP.NET apps a dream.