What is the best way to password protect folder/page using php without a db or username What is the best way to password protect folder/page using php without a db or username php php

What is the best way to password protect folder/page using php without a db or username

You could use something like this:

//access.php<?php//put sha1() encrypted password here - example is 'hello'$password = 'aaf4c61ddcc5e8a2dabede0f3b482cd9aea9434d';session_start();if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedIn'])) {    $_SESSION['loggedIn'] = false;}if (isset($_POST['password'])) {    if (sha1($_POST['password']) == $password) {        $_SESSION['loggedIn'] = true;    } else {        die ('Incorrect password');    }} if (!$_SESSION['loggedIn']): ?><html><head><title>Login</title></head>  <body>    <p>You need to login</p>    <form method="post">      Password: <input type="password" name="password"> <br />      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login">    </form>  </body></html><?phpexit();endif;?>

Then on each file you want to protect, put at the top:

<?phprequire('access.php');?>secret text

It isn't a very nice solution, but it might do what you want


You could add a logout.php page like:

<?php    session_start();    $_SESSION['loggedIn'] = false;?>You have logged out   

If you want to avoid cookies, sessions and don't want to play with .htaccess files, you can also do http authentication soley with PHP:


You can hard code the password into the file and change it as needed, or include it from a file not in your web_accessible directory.

The downside is you don't have the ability to format the "login" screen - it will be a standard http authentication dialog box