What is the python equivalent of strpos($elem,"text") !== false) What is the python equivalent of strpos($elem,"text") !== false) php php

What is the python equivalent of strpos($elem,"text") !== false)

returns -1 when not found:

pos = haystack.find(needle)pos = haystack.find(needle, offset)

raises ValueError when not found:

pos = haystack.index(needle)pos = haystack.index(needle, offset)

To simply test if a substring is in a string, use:

needle in haystack

which is equivalent to the following PHP:

strpos(haystack, needle) !== FALSE

From http://www.php2python.com/wiki/function.strpos/

if elem.find("text") != -1:    do_something

Is python is really pretty that code using "in":

in_word = 'word'sentence = 'I am a sentence that include word'if in_word in sentence:    print(sentence + 'include:' + word)    print('%s include:%s' % (sentence, word))

last 2 prints do the same, you choose.