What method would be best to build this complex graph What method would be best to build this complex graph php php

What method would be best to build this complex graph

Unless I could find an implementation already written, I'd use Raphaël.

It will take significant work, but the end result should be very good.

Take a look at some of the demos, they're incredibly slick.

Raphaël currently supports Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Chrome 5.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+.

This seemed interesting, so I decided to implement it myself with Raphaël:

See: http://jsfiddle.net/2Tsjy/

It should work in "all browsers". The only part I didn't do was the text.


var paper = Raphael("pentagon"),    fullNum = [40, 53],    borderColours = ['#329342','#9e202c','#f47933','#811f5a','#11496c'],    fillColours = ['#74ae3d','#d01f27','#eaa337','#32133f','#2c7aa1'],    triangles = [],    border, fill, st, i;for (i=0; i<5; i++) {    border = paper.path(getPercentPath(0)).attr({        'fill': borderColours[i],        'stroke-width': 0            }),    fill = paper.path(["M", 116, 123] + "l-44,61 88,0z").attr({        'stroke': fillColours[i],        'stroke-width': 6    });    triangles.push(border);    st = paper.set();    st.push(border, fill);    st.rotate(i * 72, 116, 113);    setPercent(i, 30+Math.floor(Math.random()*70));}function getPercentPath(percent) {    var ratio = percent/100;    return ["M", 116, 128] + "l-" + ratio*fullNum[0] + "," + ratio*fullNum[1] + " " + ratio*fullNum[0]*2 + ",0z";}function setPercent(i, percent) {    triangles[i].attr({        path: getPercentPath(percent)    });}setInterval(function(){    for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {        setPercent(i, 30+Math.floor(Math.random()*70));    }}, 2000);


#pentagon {    width: 226px;    height: 227px;    border: 1px solid red;    background: #fff;    background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8)}


<div id="pentagon"></div>

I'd have to recommend RaphaelJS (see http://raphaeljs.com/). It is IE7 compatible, and you can do the triangles just fine: you need to do the math, but quite possible.

EDIT: look at http://www.chittram.com/editor.jsp for a quick sample of some of the shapes that can be done. That site is an interactive editor but the core capabilities you need are demonstrated.

What about <canvas>?You can easily draw one triangle and then draw the others by just rotating the canvas 360/5 degrees.

Example: http://jsfiddle.net/Stijntjhe/dC6kX/

window.onload = function() {    var ce = document.getElementById('ce');    var c = ce.getContext('2d');    c.translate(ce.offsetWidth / 2, ce.offsetHeight / 2);    for(var pie = 0; pie < 5; pie++) {        c.save();        c.rotate(pie/5 * Math.PI * 2);        c.beginPath();        c.moveTo(0, -10);        c.lineTo(-50, -80);        c.lineTo(50, -80);        c.lineTo(0, -10);        c.lineWidth = 5;        c.lineCap = 'square';        c.strokeStyle = colors[pie];        c.stroke();        c.restore();    } }


enter image description here

Cons:Maybe not cross-browser yet.