Where can I learn about PHP internals? [closed] Where can I learn about PHP internals? [closed] php php

Where can I learn about PHP internals? [closed]

The PHP Manual has a (sadly mostly empty) chapter on PHP internals.

The main development mailing list is internals@lists.php.net. You can sign up via php.net and/or use Markmail to search the archives.

The git repository for PHP is located on git.php.net, but there is also a mirror on GitHub.

For browsing the source code you should use the lxr.php.net cross reference tool.

The PHP wiki has a list of various resources on PHP development (blog posts, books, slides, etc).

In particular there is an (older) book by Sara Golemon: Extending and Embedding PHP.

A more current and ongoing effort is http://www.phpinternalsbook.com

If you have questions, you should try the #php.pecl room on efnet.

Also see this presentation by Sebastian Bergmann about Compiler Internals:

And make sure to check Nikic's blog. He's got a number of posts on how to read the source:

In addition to that, you can check the PHP Credits for individual contributers:

A number of them run their own blogs which might contain more information.

Another lecture on "how does it work" theme:

PHP UK Conference 2012 playlist - PHP under the hood slides, by Johannes Schlüter

Onhttp://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/weblinux2/php/ch14_01.htmyou can also find some interesting internals about writing php extensions