Why is require_once echoing entire file contents? [closed] Why is require_once echoing entire file contents? [closed] php php

Why is require_once echoing entire file contents? [closed]

The class file starts with a short tag [<?] - if short tags are disabled [which should be default behavior], whole file is considered plain text and thus not parsed.

Just replace it with a full tag - <?php.

Leading off your confirmation that short tags are disabled, I am guessing you are debugging your script like this?

// dumps everything!require_once('evalmath.php');// dumps nothing??require_once( 'evalmath.php' );

If your testing looks something like that, then the only reason the second form doesn't dump your file is because it doesn't actually include it a second time. require_once.

Just try to enclose the script with <?php instead of <? it might be with the servers configuration issue not accepting it.