Wordpress 3.9 - 4.1 and qTranslate issue Wordpress 3.9 - 4.1 and qTranslate issue php php

Wordpress 3.9 - 4.1 and qTranslate issue


You have to remove the "$before." in qtranslate_core.php file from the last line, qtranslate works here with WP 3.9 !

so the result must be:

return strftime($format, $date).$after;

We will wait the qTranslate upgrade!


I wanted to add my 2 cents after investigating this issue myself. I don't like to ever hack the core of WP or the plugins. When I got the error indicated by the author of this thread, I fixed it by going into Settings -> Languages and clicking the Advanced Settings tab.

Under the Date / Time Conversion section it was set to the first option Use emulated date function. I changed it to Use strftime instead of date. and voila, no more error and no hacking the core!

Report back if this worked for you or if you had any issues.

Wordpress: v3.9.1qTranslate: v2.5.39

For me (WP 4.1.1, qTranslate 2.5.39) the following helped:

  1. From the dashboard, go to Plugins > qTranslate > Settings
  2. Click the "Advanced Settings" link
  3. In the "Date / Time Conversion" settings group select "Use strftime instead of date and replace formats with the predefined formats for each language." (was set to "Use strftime instead of date").
