writing exif data in php writing exif data in php php php

writing exif data in php

I know you found the solution, but this might help anyone else that s looking for the same thing!

I modified a class that I found here (thanks debers).

And all the references to IPTC tags can be readed from this PDF

And now the code (PHP >= 5.4):

<?define("IPTC_OBJECT_NAME", "005");define("IPTC_EDIT_STATUS", "007");define("IPTC_PRIORITY", "010");define("IPTC_CATEGORY", "015");define("IPTC_SUPPLEMENTAL_CATEGORY", "020");define("IPTC_FIXTURE_IDENTIFIER", "022");define("IPTC_KEYWORDS", "025");define("IPTC_RELEASE_DATE", "030");define("IPTC_RELEASE_TIME", "035");define("IPTC_SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS", "040");define("IPTC_REFERENCE_SERVICE", "045");define("IPTC_REFERENCE_DATE", "047");define("IPTC_REFERENCE_NUMBER", "050");define("IPTC_CREATED_DATE", "055");define("IPTC_CREATED_TIME", "060");define("IPTC_ORIGINATING_PROGRAM", "065");define("IPTC_PROGRAM_VERSION", "070");define("IPTC_OBJECT_CYCLE", "075");define("IPTC_BYLINE", "080");define("IPTC_BYLINE_TITLE", "085");define("IPTC_CITY", "090");define("IPTC_PROVINCE_STATE", "095");define("IPTC_COUNTRY_CODE", "100");define("IPTC_COUNTRY", "101");define("IPTC_ORIGINAL_TRANSMISSION_REFERENCE", "103");define("IPTC_HEADLINE", "105");define("IPTC_CREDIT", "110");define("IPTC_SOURCE", "115");define("IPTC_COPYRIGHT_STRING", "116");define("IPTC_CAPTION", "120");define("IPTC_LOCAL_CAPTION", "121");class IPTC{    var $meta = [];    var $file = null;    function __construct($filename)    {        $info = null;        $size = getimagesize($filename, $info);        if(isset($info["APP13"])) $this->meta = iptcparse($info["APP13"]);        $this->file = $filename;    }    function getValue($tag)    {        return isset($this->meta["2#$tag"]) ? $this->meta["2#$tag"][0] : "";    }    function setValue($tag, $data)    {        $this->meta["2#$tag"] = [$data];        $this->write();    }    private function write()    {        $mode = 0;        $content = iptcembed($this->binary(), $this->file, $mode);           $filename = $this->file;        if(file_exists($this->file)) unlink($this->file);        $fp = fopen($this->file, "w");        fwrite($fp, $content);        fclose($fp);    }             private function binary()    {        $data = "";        foreach(array_keys($this->meta) as $key)        {            $tag = str_replace("2#", "", $key);            $data .= $this->iptc_maketag(2, $tag, $this->meta[$key][0]);        }               return $data;    }    function iptc_maketag($rec, $data, $value)    {        $length = strlen($value);        $retval = chr(0x1C) . chr($rec) . chr($data);        if($length < 0x8000)        {            $retval .= chr($length >> 8) .  chr($length & 0xFF);        }        else        {            $retval .= chr(0x80) .                        chr(0x04) .                        chr(($length >> 24) & 0xFF) .                        chr(($length >> 16) & 0xFF) .                        chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) .                        chr($length & 0xFF);        }        return $retval . $value;                }       function dump()    {        echo "<pre>";        print_r($this->meta);        echo "</pre>";    }    #requires GD library installed    function removeAllTags()    {        $this->meta = [];        $img = imagecreatefromstring(implode(file($this->file)));        if(file_exists($this->file)) unlink($this->file);        imagejpeg($img, $this->file, 100);    }}$file = "photo.jpg";$objIPTC = new IPTC($file);//set title$objIPTC->setValue(IPTC_HEADLINE, "A title for this picture");//set description$objIPTC->setValue(IPTC_CAPTION, "Some words describing what can be seen in this picture.");echo $objIPTC->getValue(IPTC_HEADLINE);?>

Maybe u can try :

  • PEL(PHP Exif Library). A library for reading and writing Exif headers in JPEG and TIFF images using PHP.
  • The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit. Allows reading, writing and display of the following JPEG metadata formats: EXIF 2.2, XMP / RDF, IPTC-NAA IIM 4.1 ect
  • ExifTool by perl. The ExifTool is excellent. It’s basically got it all – EXIF, IPTC and XMP support (read/write) and support for manufacturer extensions.

Imagick does let you set EXIF-data but only to objects in memory, when writing the file to disk these data is simply ignored. The most popular solution is to either shell out to exiftools or use the PHP-library PEL. The documentation of PEL is sparse, and the API is not really self-explanatory either.

I came across this problem when trying to add the correct EXIF-data to images that would be uploaded as 360 images to Facebook, which requires specific camera make and model to be specified as EXIF. The code below will open an image file, set its make and model, and save back to disk. If you are looking to set other EXIF-data there is a complete list of all supported PelTag-constants here in the PEL docs.

$data = new PelDataWindow(file_get_contents('IMAGE PATH'));$tiff = null;$file = null;// If it is a JPEG-image, check if EXIF-headers existsif (PelJpeg::isValid($data)) {    $jpeg = $file = new PelJpeg();    $jpeg->load($data);    $exif = $jpeg->getExif();    // If no EXIF in image, create it    if($exif == null) {        $exif = new PelExif();        $jpeg->setExif($exif);        $tiff = new PelTiff();        $exif->setTiff($tiff);    }    else {        $tiff = $exif->getTiff();    }}// If it is a TIFF EXIF-headers will always be setelseif (PelTiff::isValid($data)) {    $tiff = $file = new PelTiff();    $tiff->load($data);}else {    throw new \Exception('Invalid image format');}// Get the first Ifd, where most common EXIF-tags reside$ifd0 = $tiff->getIfd();// If no Ifd info found, create itif($ifd0 == null) {    $ifd0 = new PelIfd(PelIfd::IFD0);    $tiff->setIfd($ifd0);}// See if the MAKE-tag already exists in Ifd$make = $ifd0->getEntry(PelTag::MAKE);// Create MAKE-tag if not found, otherwise just change the valueif($make == null) {    $make = new PelEntryAscii(PelTag::MAKE, 'RICOH');    $ifd0->addEntry($make);}else {    $make->setValue('RICOH');}// See if the MODEL-tag already exists in Ifd$model = $ifd0->getEntry(PelTag::MODEL);// Create MODEL-tag if not found, otherwise just change the valueif($model == null) {    $model = new PelEntryAscii(PelTag::MODEL, 'RICOH THETA S');    $ifd0->addEntry($model);}else {    $model->setValue('RICOH THETA S');}// Save to disk$file->saveFile('IMAGE.jpg');