Xdebug 3 - The setting 'xdebug.remote_***' has been renamed, see the upgrading guide Xdebug 3 - The setting 'xdebug.remote_***' has been renamed, see the upgrading guide php php

Xdebug 3 - The setting 'xdebug.remote_***' has been renamed, see the upgrading guide

PhpStorm 2020.3 supports XDebug3. There is a detailed upgrade guide on how to change your settings properly.

In my case (using Docker), I had to change the settings


; v2.*[Xdebug]zend_extension=xdebug.soxdebug.remote_enable=1xdebug.remote_autostart=1xdebug.remote_connect_back=offxdebug.remote_host=host.docker.internal;# 9000 is default (not required to set).xdebug.remote_port=9000


; v3.*[Xdebug]zend_extension=xdebug.soxdebug.mode=debugxdebug.start_with_request=yesxdebug.client_host=host.docker.internal;# 9003 is now the default (set this for old PhpStorm settings).xdebug.client_port=9000

Xdebug 3 will be supported from PhpStorm 2020.3 version only, which is currently in EAP stage (Early Access Program) and will be released in about 1 month time.

For the moment you will have to either stick to Xdebug 2.9 for your 2020.1 IDE version or try latest 2020.3 EAP build: https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/nextversion/

Xdebug 3 is supported in the most recent EAP #6 build: https://blog.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/2020/11/phpstorm-2020-3-eap-6/

As for the Xdebug 3 upgrade in terms of making changes for Xdebug settings (php.ini) -- check this link: https://3.xdebug.org/docs/upgrade_guide

Xdebug 3 related docs are currently hosted on a temporary https://3.xdebug.org/ domain.

You CAN use your 2020.1 PhpStorm with Xdebug 3 if you wish -- just configure Xdebug 3 properly.

It works fine for me with Xdebug 3.0.0beta1, PHP 7.4 x64 on Windows 10 -- see this question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/64820427/783119

Those errors that you see indicate that you still have Xdebug 2 config values in your php.ini.

My php -v

PHP 7.2.34-8+ubuntu20.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 (cli) (built: Oct 31 2020 16:57:33) ( NTS )Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP GroupZend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies    with Zend OPcache v7.2.34-8+ubuntu20.04.1+deb.sury.org+1, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies    with Xdebug v3.0.1, Copyright (c) 2002-2020, by Derick Rethans

I got Xdebug v3 working with PHPStorm 2020.2.3 with these steps:


  2. Update php.init file

    xdebug.extension=/usr/lib/php/20200930/xdebug.so <== path to your xdebug.so file#xdebug.remote_autostart=1xdebug.start_with_request=yes#xdebug.remote_connect_back=1xdebug.discover_client_host=truexdebug.remote_cookie_expire_time = 3600#xdebug.remote_enable = 1#xdebug.remote_host = localhostxdebug.client_host=localhost#xdebug.remote_port = 9000xdebug.client_port = 9000xdebug.remote_handler = dbgpxdebug.idekey=PHPSTORMxdebug.mode = debug

    '#' is old version (Xdebug 2.x)

  3. Reset apache2: sudo service apache2 restart