Yosemite / Mamp Pro / CodeIgniter Errors Yosemite / Mamp Pro / CodeIgniter Errors php php

Yosemite / Mamp Pro / CodeIgniter Errors

This issue in CodeIgniter 2.X when use it with PHP >=5.6

you can solve it by downgrade your PHP version <= 5.5

or change this line in CodeIgniter as followingFile: /site/system/core/Common.php Line number 257

change this line from

return $_config[0] =& $config;


$_config[0] =& $config;return $_config[0];

codeigniter 2.2 fixes the issue you can update frameowrk folder in order to fi this

Manual Fix

Filename: core/Common.phpLine Number: 257


return $_config[0] =& $config; 


$_config[0] =& $config;return $_config[0]; 

Did you update MAMP Pro at the same time as your upgrade to Yosemite? I ask because it was by updating MAMP Pro earlier today (to v3.0.7.2) that I started getting this error...

That said, I noticed that the default PHP version had gone up to 5.6.2 so I set it back down at 5.5.18 and after Apache had restarted all was working fine again.