YouTube API truncates videos [PHP] YouTube API truncates videos [PHP] php php

YouTube API truncates videos [PHP]

Is there a possibility to contact YouTube directly (seeing logs of what's really going on)?

Well, this is an impossible mission. You need to send them numerous mails to (maybe) get an answer. I've tried a few times, but no response from them.

Is this some encoding issue?

Yes, this is encoding issue. If you are trying to upload a HD video, and if it's getting truncated or shortened or whatsoever, it's a encoding issue. YouTube has them periodically.

Can the error be caught/detected via the API (at the moment, no exception is thrown)

No it cannot. You need to see the video when it's uploaded to see an error. There's no exception in the middle of the process or in any part of uploading.

Can this happen if you are uploading different videos at once (in parallel, that is)?

It doesn't matter. If you are uploading one video or two, three, five videos simultaneously, it won't matter. It's just an upload. Only bad thing that could happen in process is a loss of connection. Every video goes to its own direction. It's like when you are copying multiple files from one folder to another.

Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Yes. You, me, and whole bunch of other uploaders. It's a YouTube problem. It's their bug or some encoding / rendering / transcoding, whatever problem that they have. It's all because of YouTube processing choices.

When that happened to me, my solution was to use HTTPS/SSL when I uploaded the video. And it worked. There was no cutting, trimming, transcoding nor encoding / rendering problem.

looks like the script is timeout.try this code on the first line: set_time_limit(0);

The upload is shown to be complete but only a couple of minutes can be played and the rest is truncated. I did some research but with no apparent success.

Is this some encoding issue? are using "chunked" uploading. In others words: its a "resumable" upload as described in the YT Upload API.

My first guess: its a content-range header issue (of one of the requests).All parts have to perfectly align byte-wise on the YT server-side, else you will end up with only the first part of the binary. Referencing: Upload Chunks and please note the blue box on Content Range Header.

The google-api-php-client should handle this correctly. But bug-wise it could be anything: API out-of-sync with the client, cURL configuration issue, header not set, range not correctly calculated.

Can the error be caught/detected via the API (at the moment, no exception is thrown)

Debugging the client is not your job. One would have to enable GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::DEBUG to see, if all headers are correct.Then you could try pulling the status of the upload in parallel to the upload itself (second guzzle request).

Is there a possibility to contact YouTube directly (seeing logs of what's really going on)?

Yes, you are using Google_Http_MediaFileUpload and that's part of Google-API-PHP-client.

Just open an issue over at their Github repo:

My suggestion is:

  • leave the PHP onion PHP(ext_curl(libcurl))) + yourscript(google-api-client(guzzle)))
    • PHP onion means: your script uses google-api-client, which uses guzzle, which uses php_ext_curl, which uses libcurl internally
    • you have multiple layers and errors can happen at all of them
    • bottom-line: lets simply bypass the PHP stack for testing from the CLI
  • try to reproduce the chunked upload issue on the CLI using cURL
  • use a second console for requesting the status of the active upload between uploaded chunks
  • then, in case the upload from CLI
    • fails: it would indicate a YT server problem
    • succeeds: compare the headers from the CLI against the PHP script (guzzle in debug mode) to get closer to the problem