Add element to JSON object in Postgres Add element to JSON object in Postgres postgresql postgresql

Add element to JSON object in Postgres

If you upgrade to PG9.5.1, then you can use sql operator || to merge jsonb, example

select '{"a":1}'::jsonb || '{"a":2, "b":2}'::jsonb

will return {"a": 2, "b": 2}

If you can't upgrade to pg9.5.1, IMHO, doing the job in your code will be a better choice. You can parse old jsonb string as a map, and then update the map, then convert to string and update db-record.

And if we want to update (add) a JSONB field:

UPDATE <table>SET <field-name> = <field-name> || '{"a": 1}'::jsonbWHERE id = <some id>

use || to merge jsonb and set the value to it



in table a:

id | info

1 | {"aa":"bb"}

2 | {"aa":"cc"}

after executing:

update a set info = info::jsonb || ('{"id":' || id || '}' )::jsonb 


id | info

1 | {"aa":"bb","id":1}

2 | {"aa":"cc","id":2}


  1. use - ‘key’ to delete element in jsonb
  2. merge will replace origin one if the two jsonb has same key

Even I had the same problem, I wanted to dynamically append new elements to jsonb[].

Assume column_jsonb[] = [{"name":"xyz","age":"12"}]

UPDATE table_name   SET column_jsonb[] = array_append(column_jsonb[],'{"name":"abc","age":"22"}');

Result : [{"name":"xyz","age":"12"},{"name":"abc","age":"22"}]