Ansible create postgresql user with access to all tables? Ansible create postgresql user with access to all tables? postgresql postgresql

Ansible create postgresql user with access to all tables?

What I had to do was first create the user and then grant the privileges separately. It's working like a charm.

 - name: Create postgres user for my app    become: yes    become_user: postgres    postgresql_user:      name: "myappuser"      password: "supersecretpassword"  - name: Ensure we have access from the new user    become: yes    become_user: postgres    postgresql_privs:      db: mydatabase      role: myappuser      objs: ALL_IN_SCHEMA      privs: SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE

Here is the playbook I use, using debian and setting up user and db, as well as giving user access to all databases:

- hosts: all  become: yes  vars:    ansible_ssh_pipelining: true  tasks:    - name: install postgresql server      apt:        pkg: postgresql        state: present    - name: change postgres network binding      lineinfile:        path: /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/postgresql.conf        regexp: '# listen_addresses'        line: "listen_addresses = '*'"    - name: change postgres pg hba access      lineinfile:        path: /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf        regexp: 'host  all  all md5'        line: 'host  all  all md5'    - name: start postgresql server      service:        enabled: yes        name: postgresql        state: restarted    # psycopg2 needed for user, db creation    - pip:        name: psycopg2-binary    - name: create postgresql user      postgresql_user:        user: "root"        password: "root"        role_attr_flags: "CREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER"      become: true      become_user: postgres    - name: create postgresql db      postgresql_db:        name: "your-db-name"        state: present      become: true      become_user: postgres

Your paths may vary so adjust accordingly.

And for bonus here is my Vagrantfile, using virtualbox:

# -*- mode: ruby -*-# vi: set ft=ruby :# Brings up a vm with es and mongodbVagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "geerlingguy/debian9" "private_network", ip: ""  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|    vb.memory = "2048"  end  config.vm.provision "ansible_local" do |ansible|      ansible.playbook = "ansible_playbook.yml"      ansible.install = "true"      ansible.install_mode = "pip"  endend


From ansible documentation postgressql module, priv should be "PostgreSQL privileges string in the format: table:priv1,priv2"So your task should be

 - name: Create postgres user for my app    become: yes    become_user: postgres    postgresql_user:      db: "mydatabase"      name: "myappuser"      password: "supersecretpassword"      priv: ALL:SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CONNECT