Authentication error when connecting to Heroku PostgreSQL database Authentication error when connecting to Heroku PostgreSQL database postgresql postgresql

Authentication error when connecting to Heroku PostgreSQL database

Solved it by setting PGSSLMODE ( on Heroku. It tells PostgreSQL to default to SSL.

$ heroku config:set PGSSLMODE=require

node-postgres doesn't support SSL in it's javascript bindings, which you're using if you do:

var pg = require('pg');

To get SSL, you need to use the native binding by doing this:

var pg = require('pg').native;

You don't need to use SSL when your app is running inside Heroku, you only need to use SSL to connect remotely (when your app is running locally).

I added these params and can now connect to my heroku postgres instance from an outside server, specifically, in configuration of knex.js in a node express server:

var knex = require('knex')({  client: 'postgres',  connection: 'postgres://username:password@host:5432/yourdbname?ssl=true&sslfactory=org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory'});