Avoid division by zero in PostgreSQL Avoid division by zero in PostgreSQL postgresql postgresql

Avoid division by zero in PostgreSQL

You can use NULLIF function e.g.


If the value of column_name is 0 - result of entire expression will be NULL

Since count() never returns NULL (unlike other aggregate functions), you only have to catch the 0 case (which is the only problematic case anyway). So, your query simplified:

CASE count(column_name)   WHEN 0 THEN 1   ELSE count(column_name)END

Or simpler, yet, with NULLIF(), like Yuriy provided.

Quoting the manual about aggregate functions:

It should be noted that except for count, these functions return anull value when no rows are selected.

I realize this is an old question, but another solution would be to make use of the greatest function:

greatest( count(column_name), 1 )  -- NULL and 0 are valid argument values

Note:My preference would be to either return a NULL, as in Erwin and Yuriy's answer, or to solve this logically by detecting the value is 0 before the division operation, and returning 0. Otherwise, the data may be misrepresented by using 1.