Cannot create non-virtual view using DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned Cannot create non-virtual view using DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned postgresql postgresql

Cannot create non-virtual view using DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned

I'm not certain I understand the question, but here is my take on it.

Creating a view is done for specific queries, hard coded SQL to achieve something you feel DBIx::Class does not provide, and make the results of those queries available to DBIx, and be able to use the usual result (set) classes.

It is not meant to correspond to a view in postgres. 'Updating' the view as far as DBIx is concerned means using the updated SQL in your view class - there is no need to store it in the database.

If you create a view in postgres that you want to use, you can, but I do not believe Schema::Version has anything to do with it. After all, those are simply two different ways of storing a query, aren't they?

If you want to version views, you may have to look at an entirely different route and use something like sqitch to version your sql files,however, your schema files should be in a version control system anyway.