Cannot restore and dump database PostgreSQL with Ansible Cannot restore and dump database PostgreSQL with Ansible postgresql postgresql

Cannot restore and dump database PostgreSQL with Ansible

The name seems incorrect & the correct code would be as:

- name: import database jira64_20180626.dump.tar.gz  postgresql_db:    name: name of the db which you want to restore    login_user: jira    login_password: jira_pwd    state: restore    target: /TheDUMPfilepath/jira64_20180626.dump.tar.gz

If this is not working The Ansible Doc click here says restore format as below:

The format of the backup will be detected based on the target name.Supported compression formats for dump and restore include .bz2, .gz and .xzSupported formats for dump and restore include .sql and .tar

For example as below:

- name: Dump  existing database  postgresql_db:    name: acme    state: dump    target: /tmp/acme.sql