Can't connect to PostgreSQL server running in Vagrant from host Can't connect to PostgreSQL server running in Vagrant from host postgresql postgresql

Can't connect to PostgreSQL server running in Vagrant from host

You need to forward the postgres port, you're only forwarding 3000, not 5432.

I believe the reason you could not connect is that technically is the network address of the range (and is the broadcast address and should also not work). The first address of each range is the network address and is not allowed to be a routable host (similarly should fail in the same way since it's a 16-bit block).

In addition to forwarding port 5432 to another port on my host machine in my Vagrantfile, I added the following to my pg_hba.conf file in my vagrant machine, restarted postgresql, and it finally allowed me to connect from the host:

host    all             all                   md5

I found the suggestion here: