can't grant user privileges to postgresql database (for a rails app) can't grant user privileges to postgresql database (for a rails app) postgresql postgresql

can't grant user privileges to postgresql database (for a rails app)

have you tried:

--Change the database ownershipalter database lateraldev owner to pavan;--and do the same for all tablespsql -tc "select 'alter table ' || tablename || ' owner to pavan;' from pg_tables where schemaname not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema');" lateraldev | psql -a lateraldev

so after some digging around. Found this on the postgres website. Essentially anything other than a table name needs the type to be explicitly called when granting the permission.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE my_newly_created_db_name TO my_user_name;

Try making the user with CREATEDB permission, and then you can create the database with that user. The user will have permission on that database from then on.


I know this isn't a perfect solution, but I hope this works out for you
