Conversion String to UUID in Postgres and Java Conversion String to UUID in Postgres and Java postgresql postgresql

Conversion String to UUID in Postgres and Java

In PostgresSQL's SQL grammaUsing


gets a text result. Using


gets a UUID result.

In PostgreSQL, apart from using uuid(), it's also possible to specify the type explicitly like ::uuid:

with myconst (__ef_filter__id_0, __filter_workitemid_0, __filter_projectid_1, __id_2) as (values ( 'fcb8284c-1bd4-4d50-b5df-09a091b01d8c'::uuid, '9e4b70a7-c222-47dd-87cb-fbbaaf396ccd'::uuid, uuid('2b10c0a5-e35d-425d-a71a-9e473924ac4c'), uuid('3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6')) )select ...

There is a class in JDK dedicated to the management of UUIDs, called java.util.UUID. There's a static method fromString in it that should fit your goal. As far as I can see, you can use instances of UUID in JDBC insert statements.