could not extract ResultSet could not extract ResultSet postgresql postgresql

could not extract ResultSet

Change your query as below:

String query = "from Code where Tags='" + tags+"'";

Otherwise as below:

String hql = "from Code where Tags=:tags";Query query = session.createQuery(hql);query.setParameter("tags",tags);

The comparison in the where clause is with a literal and not another column. So it must be either quoted as in first case, or use a bind variable as in the second case.

Take a look at your error message (I concede that the stacktrace is long, generally the interesting part is near the top).

ERROR: ERROR: column "overloading" does not exist

from Code code0_ where code0_.Tags=Overloading

You need to quote 'Overloading', because it is not a column name, but a literal value. Even better, set it as a bind variable.

if you have camelCase then JPA will convert to Camel_Case,convert it in lowercase will be working fine.