Creating a PostgreSQL sequence to a field (which is not the ID of the record) Creating a PostgreSQL sequence to a field (which is not the ID of the record) postgresql postgresql

Creating a PostgreSQL sequence to a field (which is not the ID of the record)


CREATE SEQUENCE scores_job_id_seq;  -- = default name for plain a serial

Then add a column default to scores.job_id:

ALTER TABLE scores ALTER COLUMN job_id SET DEFAULT nextval('scores_job_id_seq');

If you want to bind the sequence to the column (so it is deleted when the column is deleted), also run:

ALTER SEQUENCE scores_job_id_seq OWNED BY scores.job_id;

All of this can be replaced with using the pseudo data type serial for the column job_id to begin with:

If your table already has rows, you may want to set the SEQUENCE to the next highest value and fill in missing serial values in the table:

SELECT setval('scores_job_id_seq', COALESCE(max(job_id), 1)) FROM scores;


UPDATE scoresSET    job_id = nextval('scores_job_id_seq')WHERE  job_id IS NULL;

The only remaining difference, a serial column is also set to NOT NULL. You may or may not want that, too:


But you cannot just alter the type of an existing integer:

ALTER TABLE scores ALTER job_id TYPE serial;

serial is not an actual data type. It's just a notational convenience feature for CREATE TABLE.
In Postgres 10 or later consider an IDENTITY column:

So I figured out how to do this using ActiveRecord migrations on Ruby on Rails. I basically used Erwin's commands and help from this page and put them in the migration files. These are the steps:

1.In the terminal, type:

rails g migration CreateJobIdSequencerails g migration AddJobIdSequenceToScores

2.Edit the migration files as follows:

20140709181616_create_job_id_sequence.rb :

class CreateJobIdSequence < ActiveRecord::Migration  def up    execute <<-SQL      CREATE SEQUENCE job_id_seq;    SQL  end  def down    execute <<-SQL      DROP SEQUENCE job_id_seq;    SQL  endend

20140709182313_add_job_id_sequence_to_scores.rb :

class AddJobIdSequenceToScores < ActiveRecord::Migration  def up    execute <<-SQL      ALTER SEQUENCE job_id_seq OWNED BY scores.job_id;      ALTER TABLE scores ALTER COLUMN job_id SET DEFAULT nextval('job_id_seq');    SQL  end  def down    execute <<-SQL      ALTER SEQUENCE job_id_seq OWNED BY NONE;      ALTER TABLE scores ALTER COLUMN job_id SET NOT NULL;    SQL  endend

3.Migrate the database. In the terminal type:

rake db:migrate