Database connection pool strategy for micro services Database connection pool strategy for micro services postgresql postgresql

Database connection pool strategy for micro services

I don't see how pgbouncer will solve any of the problems you would have with the first approach. There are many reasons to use pgbouncer but I don't think they are really applicable here.

Also, in my experience, while idle connections can be an issue, they probably will not be on the scale you are talking about. I mean we are not talking hundreds of idle connections right?

More critically, one key thing that a microservices approach would give you is an ability to move dbs off to other servers. If you do this, then having your connection pool centrally managed makes this harder to do.

Per-service pool is generally more flexible and it makes your infrastructure quite a bit more flexible too.

I have responded a similar question here: Microservices - Connection Pooling when connecting to a single legacy database

"I am facing a similar dilemma at my work and I can share the conclusions we have reached so far.

There is no silver bullet at the moment, so:

1 - Calculate the number of connections dividing the total desired number of connections for the instances of microservices will work well if you have a situation where your microservices don't need to drastically elastic scale.

2 - Not having a pool at all and let the connections be opened on demand. This is what is being used in functional programming (like Amazon lambdas). It will reduce the total number of open connections but the downside is that you lose performance as per opening connections on the fly is expensive.

You could implement some sort of topic that let your service know that the number of instances changed in a listener and update the total connection number, but it is a complex solution and goes against the microservice principle that you should not change the configurations of the service after it started running.

Conclusion: I would calculate the number if the microservice tend to not grow in scale and without a pool if it does need to grow elastically and exponentially, in this last case make sure that a retry is in place in case it does not get a connection in the first attempt.

There is an interesting grey area here awaiting for a better way of controlling pools of connections in microservices.

In time, and to make the problem even more interesting, I recommend reading thearticle About Pool Sizing from HikariCP: The ideal concurrent connections in a database are actually smaller than most people think."

Let's say you have the limiting requirement - only 10 connections to the database.You can run 10 instances of the microservice with the connection pool limited to 1 connection max. Or you can run 3 instances with pool max=3.The centralized connection pool, which would serve multiple services in the cloud, sounds bad (the typical single point of failure).