Deploying Postgresql Along Windows Application Deploying Postgresql Along Windows Application postgresql postgresql

Deploying Postgresql Along Windows Application

The application's users are non-technical people and they can not install Postgresql individually.

then try this , silently install PostgreSQL, we are using the similar code in our software deployment

C:\Installer\postgresql-9.0.2-1-windows.exe  --serverport 5432 --servicename postgres_service --locale C --superaccount Myadmin --superpassword Mypassword --unattendedmodeui minimal --debuglevel 2 --mode unattended 

run this as the bat file , install in the background

  1. postgresql-9.0.2-1-windows.exe

This is your exe

  1. serverport 5432

This is your port number where you want to install Postgres

  1. superaccount Myadmin

You use account name

  1. superpassword Mypassword

Your user password

keep the rest same.This will directly install to c:\Program Files

I presume you want to deploy on Windows, so you can include PostgrSQL in your application installer, you can create an application installer for example with InnoSetup ...

Here are the details of Postgresql silent install on Windows. Installers can downloaded from here. Once it's installed then you can run your db script off-course.