Django and postgresql testing schema Django and postgresql testing schema postgresql postgresql

Django and postgresql testing schema

I ended up with writing a custom test runner to solve this problem (using django 1.9.x):


from types import MethodTypefrom django.test.runner import DiscoverRunnerfrom django.db import connectionsdef prepare_database(self):    self.connect()    self.connection.cursor().execute("""    CREATE SCHEMA foobar_schema AUTHORIZATION your_user;    GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA foobar_schema TO your_user;    """)class PostgresSchemaTestRunner(DiscoverRunner):    def setup_databases(self, **kwargs):        for connection_name in connections:            connection = connections[connection_name]            connection.prepare_database = MethodType(prepare_database, connection)        return super().setup_databases(**kwargs)

TEST_RUNNER = 'myapp.test.runner.PostgresSchemaTestRunner'