Django Migration Error: Column does not exist Django Migration Error: Column does not exist postgresql postgresql

Django Migration Error: Column does not exist

After you run makemigrations, be sure to go through the stack trace step by step.

In my case, I noticed it traced through a call to a Form contained within a in a completely different app, which happened to have a call to the model I was trying to create a new migration for.

Moving the Form class out of into the fixed the issue.

This bug was resolved for me by commenting out the django debug toolbar from INSTALLED_APPS in I am not sure why debug toolbar is the culprit, but after I commented it out, I was able to run makemigrations and migrate with no issue.

Hoping this helps someone, as I spent twelve hours trying to figure it out.

In my case, that was because I had a unique_together constraint that was set.

When I wanted to remove a field, the auto-generated migration tried to remove the field before removing the unique_together constraint.

What I had to do was manually move up the migrations.AlterUniqueTogether constraint in the migration file, so that django removes first the constraint before trying to remove the field.

I hope this can help someone.