Django query expression for calculated fields that require conditions and casting Django query expression for calculated fields that require conditions and casting postgresql postgresql

Django query expression for calculated fields that require conditions and casting

Use conditional expressions:

from django.db.models import Case, F, Sum, WhenStats.objects.values('product').annotate(    tot_impressions=Sum('impressions'),     tot_clicks=Sum('clicks')).annotate(    ctr=Case(When(tot_impressions=0, then=None),  # or other value, e.g. then=0             # 1.0*... is to get float in SQL             default=1.0*F('tot_clicks')/F('tot_impressions'),             output_field=models.FloatField())).order_by('ctr')

The exact math on how you scale this is up to you, but adding in a python constant inside a nested ExpressionWrapper should suffice:

ctr = models.ExpressionWrapper(    models.F('clicks')/models.ExpressionWrapper(        models.F('impressions') + 1, output_field = models.FloatField()    ),    output_field = models.FloatField())

You can use the django-pg-utils package for the divide query expression that handles division by zero and returns float values

from pg_utils import divideStats.objects.annotate(ctr=divide(F('clicks'), F('impressions')))